Mark Mills grew up in a household with a holistic view on matters and where spirituality was a way of life. His mother has a practice for Spiritual Awareness & Personal development for many years, and has held various board positions in a number of national professional organizations for naturopathic therapists.
From an early age, as an Indigo child, Mark has had to deal with his spiritual development and high sensetivity (HSP). He learned at an early age to combine his intuition, his knowledge and skills. In addition to his regular school, Mark was committed to various forms of education in the field of spirituality and awareness.
Like Holistic Coaching at the ANZN (Academy of Natural Medicine South Netherlands), Personal/Life Coaching at the ICM and a wide range of courses from spiritual teachers and healers in different countries.
His spiritual background has always played a major role in his eventful life. But when he came into contact with the sacred medicine plants, which he truly experienced as ‘coming home’, he started to focus full time on the Shamanic path and dedicate his life to the awakening of people, to support them in their healing, to find their essence and to further assist in their growth of consciousness and spiritual development.
Mark has collaborated with several Shamans from Peru and was an apprentice of Maestro and visionary artist; Moises Llerena Taricuarima. He has been to the Peruvian Amazon multiple times with Maestro Moises for intense Dietas and trainings with the sacred medicine plants, to deepen his knowledge of this ancient healing form. Mark and Maestro Moises have organised and lead retreats together in Holland and Peru. Later Mark became a student of Shipibo Maestro Sany Meny who he also did several Dietas with in the Peruvian jungle, and taught him the path of Noya Rao. Now, Mark is following the path of his ancestors, honouring his Jamaican roots. Implementing the teachings from his Peruvian Maestros and merging it with his own indigenous Shamanic traditions, taking it to the next level where he can truly express himself in his own unique way.
Through his spiritual growth and the strong guidance he received from his mentors, spirit guides and ancestors; his path, his purpose and mission are clear; Help people heal and awaken to their full potential and purpose.